I carried one 30kg bags to Europe, one small carry on bag and a backpack to Europe.
Is it enough? to be honest with you It is more than enough. During my period of stays, of course. I bought some stuff with me.
Like clothes, home appliances, etc.
But as minimalist, if you buy something, you have to let something go.
Otherwise, you need to clutter de-clutter something all over again which is just adding stress to your life.
I realize this after just stacking stuff, then "Start decluttering".
Decluttering, is very stressful. I did not do that anymore. I will just discard them right away when I didn't need them, or I will set a time when I will discard them.
Cause in the decluttering process, this cycle always happens: "Oo I might need this later" "I will be thinner" "I will probably need it". You probably will need that. But probably, you will buy a new one instead of using your old clothes when you were thinner.
You buy, and buy, and buy again.
Is it wrong? Well, technically it is not. Everyone can do what they want.
Here, I am just sharing my experience on having less stuff, which is very-very peaceful.
The stuff that I bring with me when I moved to Elche |
Moving Across Europe
Here is some tips when you need to move. I think this is gonna be useful for EMJMD Student.
1) Discarding Stuff. I recommend you to own less stuff. Less stuff equal to, less stress. If you have more stuff than you need you can donate them for the next intake, sell them or donate them.
Donating the clothes. For the clothes you can donate them to H&M and they will give you voucher. In Italy you can also donate them on Yellow Box Humana.
In Spain you can donate the shoes and the clotes on Ropa recycle box usually they are everywhere with pink color box.
2) Plan. You need to plan early on what to do with your stuff. Ask yourself these question: Do you have enough bag to carry them? do you need some card box? Do you have the card box? Do you need to vacuum your clothes? Do you have vacuum bag? Do you need to send them? How you are going to send them?
Wow a lot of things to figure it out. Yes. So plan! I plan and started to pack two months before I moved to make sure that I have time to do everything that I want and clean everything because I hate to be in a rush and you don't know if anyone will help you later on. Remember, it is very stressful, so a plan will help you from all the stress.
3) Carrying vs Sending. In Europe it is very expensive to buy the check in luggage when you are flying. So I prefer to send them. But another thing that I complain a lot. The distribution provider is very unreliable in Europe. I just realized that Indonesian logistic company are top notch after experiencing EU's logistic company.
Sending Your Luggage
A lot of my friends got traumatized with sending. It is quite complicated here in Europe. But I have no problem. There are 2 keys: plan and research..
There are few things that you need to know about EU logistic/sender company (most of them) based on my experience.
1. You need to book in advance, they will send the labels (and you need to use their label) and they will pick up on your door. You need to get them ready (with all the labels when they picked your stuff), otherwise they won't pick your stuff.
2. You can't send them during the weekend (Haven't found one with options to pick up during weekend)
3. On the day of pick up or sending they will "RING the BELL". Remember they probably will NOT CALLING you (some of them yes, most of them no), so put very specific address + DOOR BELL and make sure that you are in the house when they send it.
If you don't know the door bell, ask. Or put your landlord name. I don't know what is the door bell, I put "The property belong to .... (name of the landlord) in local language" and they can find it, cause they are local.
There is no exact TIME when they are coming, just the day. So you need to be ready and free for the whole day. (That's why planning is very important).
I have friends that missed the bell ring so many times, and its really hard to get the stuff when you miss the ring.
4. They will notify you by email / app. Most of time by email. So, put that pop-up button. I missed one delivery (yes they only ring the door, there is no call, so be ready) and they give me an email they said they will re-send it the next day. So be ready, don't go anywhere, try to see if you doorbell rings.
5. You couldn't lock your bag when sending, and could not send everything (they will give you the guide). They will scan your bag. So follow their rules and be prepared if some stuff probably missing.
Watch this video about the information on what you can send and what's not : https://vimeo.com/230908619 | I advice you to not send any liquid. Because they will throw them. Just send some stuff that has low risk like :
-Other home appliance (that you feel you are okay if they went missing)
6. A lot of bags are missing during delivery (I told you its wild), so if you can, I suggest you to buy some insurance that can cover just in case its missing. A lot of companies give the basic insurance of the stuff you send. And never send important stuff and documents using cargo (bring them with you)!
7. Remember the labels will not be generated instantly as you might think. I need 1,5 weeks to receive my labels. Remember during the weekend all the places are close to print stuff. But the case might varies. (So again, remember to plan)
Try to pack way earlier than the day you need to move. Sort things you won't be needing in a while.
I recommend you to use "Send My Bag" because its associated with DHL. Try to use their student plan. They are very cheap and very fast. | Check here : https://www.sendmybag.com/student-shipping
Why Send My Bag?
1. For the pricewise I think its quite fair. When I need to send my stuff to Spain from Novara they charged me 30euro for 30kg. For me I think the price is quite fair.
2. They have DHL as their Logistic Courier. I don't know if this seems unfair, but I trust DHL and how they work. So far I send 2 items internationally with DHL I have no problem and surprisingly they were very quick. I could not say anything.
3. Their call center is in The UK, so just incase you have complain or you need more service, you can call their customer center just in case that you can't speak the local language.
4. They give you free basic insurance. One of my friend lost her duvet (yes. you can still loose some stuff, so be careful don't send something you treasured), and they gave her the insurance fee and the sending fee.
Vacuum bag will be very helpful especially for clothes. You can print the labels in the university or in the nearest "Copisteria" (honestly never done it, but this is what they said). If you need card box, cello tape or cable ties to put your label you can always find them in the Chinese store.
If you are in Novara, you can find them on a Chinese Home Appliance Store "ShunFa" https://goo.gl/maps/Vj5X4p2rxgXU2tESA
Remember all the printing place are closed during the weekend and open not so early just in case you need to send them on Monday. Always print them ahead of time (seems like not very important, trust me this is very important).
Basic Italian/Spanish
When you are sending them, they will ring your door, and speak of course, in the local language. So try to be able to say "Wait" at least in the local language.
Wait = Aspetta per favore (Italian).
I don't speak Italian Sorry = Non parlo Italiano mi dispiace (Italian)
Do you speak English? = parla inglese? (Italian)
Wait = Espera por favor (Spanish)
I don't speak Spanish Sorry = Non hablo Espanol, lo siento (Spanish)
Do you speak English? = Tu hablas ingles? (Spanish)
Remember not everyone can speak English, so get your phone with you, prepare your passport (some of them one to check if its really you) and always get yourself ready with some phrases that can help you moving in.
Art of Owning Less
Cause I am a proud minimalist, I want to share how convenient it is to life with less. I think becoming a minimalist has save me from headache of packing, of carrying heavy stuff and save me from spending so much time and money to send stuff.
I sent one kg of 30kg bag (30 Euro). Then I carried one small carry on bag and a backpack to Elche. I used promotion code to bring one check in bag that is provided by Ryan Air then I used bus to go to my apartment in Elche 1,6 Euro, very convenient. The flight itself to Elche is not the cheapest but I booked them pretty early so like 30Euro.
In total my moving cost : 30 + 30 + 1,6 = 61,6 Euro. Very efficient and cost saving, and I would like to say I am happy too. Its not what minimalism about, but as the side effect, I did not reject the fact that I was benefitted by that.
How to Start
If you are not sure how to start, I can give you some recommendations. Remember minimalism is a journey, and not everyone fit into this kind a lifestyle. I am going to say it is indeed very-very hard because you are fighting consumerism that is promoted by modern society. You are fighting the big brands that wants you to spend more, and using your favorite influencer to lure you buying more stuff and holding on to them.
The easiest way to start in my opinion, by applying these 4 rules :
1) If you want to buy stuff, you need to discard some stuff from your collection whatever it is. Except you have none. Slowly, let go "Just in case stuff".
2) Ask yourself "Do I need it now?" "How long I will like this?" "Is it suitable for me?" before buying anything. If you are not sure with your answer, don't buy them. Postponing pleasure will create a significant impact in buying habit in your life. This is very important to fight consumerism habit that we build through all our life.
3) Switch into more sustainable options while buying. It will probably cost more but indeed it is. (yes! Minimalism is not cheap! you need to be able to afford sustainable stuff, and most of the time by my experience they are costly, except if you are lucky).
4) De-clutter and try to let go. If you have something you probably never use in 2 years (for me couple months), except seasonal. It's time to let it go.
Let it go, let it go let it go ~ Its time to be more purposeful in live. Let's go.
That's it! If you have any questions about moving or minimalism, I will be glad to answer